99+ Amazing Restaurant Resources For 2024

Welcome to the world famous Restaurant Superstar Restaurant Resources page. On this page you will find info and links to tons of restaurant management resources that will help you in your restaurant business. This page is updated on a regular basis so please check back often. If you find this page helpful please share it with your restaurant industry friends and contacts.
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RS Recommended Restaurant Resources
RS Recommended Restaurant Resources are products and services that we are intimately familiar with and endorse wholeheartedly. This is a small list because we are extremely picky with our endorsements.

World’s Greatest Restaurant and Bar Point of Sale (POS) System If you are looking for a great Point of Sale (POS) System for your restaurant, we highly recommend you check out a demo of the system by clicking on the link above or clicking here =>> BestPOSDemo.com

SendCardsFast.com is an online system that allows you to send real physical greeting cards, postcards, and gifts online. It’s great for customer appreciation and marketing for your restaurant. You can try the system for free by clicking here.
Other Restaurant Resources
Other Restaurant Resources are products and services that we found online and are posting here for informational purposes only. We have no reason to believe they aren’t good but it is up to you to do your due diligence.
Restaurant Business Magazine List
FSR Magazine specializes in full serve restaurants. They have a physical magazine that is free to qualified restaurant professionals. You can subscribe here. They also have a website with many articles, videos, podcasts , reports and restaurant industry resources. (Physical Magazine and Web)
QSR Magazine specializes in quick serve restaurants. They have a physical magazine that is free to qualified restaurant professionals. You can subscribe here. They also have a website with many articles, videos, podcasts , reports and restaurant industry resources. (Physical Magazine and Web)
Nation’s Restaurant News (NRN) is the go-to website for food industry professionals who need news and information about the restaurants, chefs and suppliers that are changing the way America eats. NRN offers expert insight on the trends, issues and people shaping the food industry. They have a print magazine and a digital subscription. (Physical Magazine and Web)
Modern Restaurant Management – Founded in 2016, Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine is a great resource for busy restaurant industry professionals. Focused on all aspects of restaurant management this online magazine posts news items everyday plus great articles from industry experts. They cover foodservice news & trends, marketing, operations. design. technology and equipment, finance & law and more. (Web Only)
Fast Casual – Since 1997, FastCasual.com has reported on news, events, and trends in the fast casual restaurant industry segment. They have access to a wide range of restaurant industry professionals covering the latest food and beverage trends, top markets for growth and hot ideas. Their website features a directory of product and service providers, slideshows, videos and research. (Web Only)
Restaurant Startup and Growth – Put out by RestaurantOwner.com. You get a Free Subscription as a member or you can get 3 free issues here. (Physical Magazine)
Total Food Service has served the food service industry since 1990. Each month, the print and digital issues focus on serving the restaurant industry with targeted content of interest to restaurant owners, chefs, consultants, and suppliers alike. (Physical Magazine and Web)
The Caterer (U.K)
Big Hospitality (U.K.)
Pizza Today
Pizza Marketing Quarterly (PMQ)
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Restaurant Owner Forums
Cheftalk – this forum has been around since 1999 and is a pretty active forum with lots of discussion. As the name would indicate is is for chefs with a lot of cooking discussion and not much restaurant business discussion.
RestaurantOwner.com Forums – this is an active forum however you have to be a paid member of their website to access the forum
Facebook Restaurant Owner Forum – this is a pretty active forum / group on Facebook.
Restaurant Owners and Managers Group (Facebook) tightly moderated group on facebook with almost 11K members
Restaurant Industry Blogs and Websites