How to Get Rid of Flies in a Restaurant – Super Easily

Hello and welcome! If you are a restaurant owner looking for information on How to Get Rid of Flies in a Restaurant, you are in the right place. This article will give you the solution you are looking for. We will also answer several other questions about flies in your restaurant.
By the time we’re done, you will know so much that you can start your extermination business. Ok, I’m kidding. Sort of!
How to Get Rid of Flies in a Restaurant
How to Get Rid of Flies in a Restaurant? Hygiene is crucial. Uphold a clean atmosphere. Permanently shut the doors and windows. Keep your trash covered and locked away. Avoid dampness since it will encourage them to reproduce. Fly traps and fans may be helpful. Get a Pro to help you.
Flies consume decaying organic waste before transferring bacteria from their feet to work surfaces used in food preparation. Some of the most prevalent flies can transmit more than 100 different diseases, such as Salmonella, Tuberculosis, and the germs that cause Typhoid fever and Cholera.
How to Get Rid of Flies in a Restaurant
Here are the possible ways to get rid of flies in a restaurant.
1 – Having a nice fan on hand is always a plus.
Flies are quick, but they are not very strong. To deflect airflow away from your table, use oscillating fans. To avoid battling the strong wind, flies often fly away when approaching your airspace. Using the fans, keep insects away from your grill, table, and other locations.
Some types of flies have weaker wings. Those flies won’t land on vegetables, other exposed food items, or surfaces where they may lay eggs or spread infection, thanks to the strong airflow supplied by a fan.
2 – Consider Moisture
Sinks, ice boxes, cleaning buckets, floors, and sewers are significant water collection points and breeding grounds for flies. Fly infestation is reduced by limiting moisture and water sources.
3 – Maintain Their Breeding Grounds
To keep insects out, do your best to keep windows and doors closed. Screening vents, doors, and windows may also help to avoid fly infestations. Other times, air curtains, which are large fans, are effective in preventing flies from entering restaurants.
To keep insects out, do your best to keep windows and doors closed. Adding fly screens to vents, doors, and windows may also help reduce fly infestations. Other times, air curtains, which are large fans, are effective in preventing flies from entering restaurants.
4 – Make an Appointment With Your Local Pest Control Professional.
Recognizing the authentic species of flies in the restaurant and knowing what to do and where to focus preventive efforts are also necessary for effective prevention and control.
In this scenario, consulting a pest control company is one of the wise choices since certain varieties of house flies, such as the drain fly, need a particular remedy.
5 – Keep the Environment Clean
Sanitation is vital for preventing flies from infesting a restaurant kitchen. Maintain the cleanliness of ditches, drain traps, and garbage cans. The restaurant staff should clean worktops and cutting boards regularly. When not in use, they should safely keep all food.
Garbage cans must be emptied regularly and properly covered. If required, extensive cleaning may also assist in the elimination of any undiscovered food or liquid residue, particularly in drains, between tiles, in cracks, and at floor-to-wall intersections.
6 – Inspection of Sanitation and Exclusion of Produce Deliveries
Restaurant management must consider numerous factors while assuring the safety of their customers’ meals. Following the key safety regulations, including verifying cleanliness and delivery, may help to avoid fly infestation.
Fly may ride along on goods delivery from outside suppliers and travel inside your restaurant. When receiving delivery of vegetables, inspect them for any bad goods. Anything suspicious should be stored in a sealed bag and discarded. This is a crucial strategy for eliminating flies in a restaurant.
Various Fly Types

Drain Fly
Small and often dark brown or black in appearance, drain flies are a common nuisance in bathrooms. Drain flies, as their name indicates, are commonly observed infesting drains.
Sewage-contaminated soil and sewage-infested sewers are possible habitats for these pests, although they prefer to reproduce in gutters.
They get in via newly installed trash disposals or sink drains and deposit their eggs in the decomposing organic matter that builds up in the pipes.
Due to the inaccessibility of their breeding areas, drain flies are notoriously hard to eradicate.
The Best Way to Remove Drain Flies?
- Establish a habit. You must repeat the drain solution methods many times each month to prevent drain flies’ return.
- Using drain cleaners, easily accessible at local shops, is an alternative for removing drain flies. Ensure that you carefully follow the product’s instructions.
- Get rid of the underlying issue. Since these flies are often seen in drains, it is essential to periodically and completely clean all drains.
- Once you finish cleaning the drain with a pipe brush, pour some hot water through it.
Fruit flies
Fruit Fly
They feed on sugary foods and are often white or tan in appearance, with red eyes. There is a lot of moisture in unmanaged garbage cans that encourages the growth of these organisms.
Unwanted in the kitchen, fruit flies feed on and are attracted to vinegar, soda, and even the juice of overripe fruits and vegetables, which attracts them.
Insects burrow into liquids and syrups to spread disease. Only when food and a suitable habitat do fruit fly infections occur.
Fruit flies are a nuisance, but what is the best approach to eliminate them?
- All alcohol bottles must have caps on them to avoid the spread of contaminated fruit flies.
- Keep fruit flies away from your sink by drying it thoroughly. As a result, they cannot produce eggs because they cannot take in enough fluids.
- Never leave garbage out overnight. Trash should be disposed of regularly. Rinse any containers that have been spilled or leaked. When this happens, fruit flies have a population boom and cannot lay eggs.
- In addition to food and water, drains offer fruit flies a secure spot to deposit their eggs. Before you shut the drains, make sure they are clean every night.
- Fruit flies may also be eliminated from other store-bought goods by using store-bought products.
During the day, bar mats accumulate a significant amount of organic waste. To ensure all materials have been eliminated, wash them often in warm, soapy water.
House Files
Getting Rid of House Files: What Works Best?
Aerial Lights (for commercial and restaurant use)
Containers with a light at the back that continuously draws insects are called light traps.
Any flies that try to contact the light will either be electrocuted or trapped, depending on your chosen light trap design.
Place light traps five feet above the ground, away from windows and openings where flies may enter your home.
A discreet flylight is another option for your service area. They fit in well and are nice. Because the problem is treated in the kitchen and the flies are prevented from accessing the dining room where customers are eating, it is a highly effective technique for getting rid of flies that have gotten into the kitchen.
Feather fly traps
Simply put, the best approach to get rid of flies is to call a pest control service. Fly traps are a simple and inexpensive method to keep flies at bay. Despite this, the efficiency of various treatments varies greatly.
Fly traps are available in numerous shapes and sizes. Fly bag traps, ingenious strip traps, little plastic fruit fly traps, etc.
They may be positioned covertly in kitchens or spaces lacking electricity outlets, such as storage or garbage rooms.
As a cheap and quick technique to eliminate flies, fly traps may not always be the most effective solution.
Repelling flies
Since they carry various illnesses, house flies are a common nuisance that needs regular management. Flies may contaminate food with illnesses, making them particularly damaging to the restaurant industry.
These pests jeopardize the restaurant’s reputation and significantly increase the chance of transmitting dangerous diseases.
The simplest method for controlling different house fly species is to remove possible breeding grounds and circumstances. Although there are insecticides, they may not be appropriate for restaurant use.
Frequently Asked Questions – How to Get Rid of Flies in a Restaurant
How Are Files Handled in Commercial Kitchens?
You can keep your commercial kitchen free of flies by taking a few easy steps. This will keep your restaurant clean, healthy, and safe for customers. You must take all necessary measures to get rid of the pests to comply with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points requirements on food facilities.
How Can You Keep Flies Under Control in a Restaurant Kitchen?
Keep flies out by keeping windows and doors closed as much as possible. Screening for vents, doors, and windows may also help keep flies at bay. It is important to clean countertops and cutting boards regularly. When not in use, all food should be stored in the refrigerator.
What is the most effective method for eliminating fruit flies in a bar?
All employees should make a point of cleaning out their garbage and recycling bins regularly. Cleaning these items regularly will help keep fruit flies at bay.
Keep flies at bay by frequently disposing of trash. Clean up any spills or leaks to stop fruit flies from depositing their eggs in the garbage and multiplying quickly.
Is Bar Soap Effective Against Flies?
Even though it’s simple and hasn’t been around long, bar soap has been the brainer solution for upset owners ever since the sticky detergent hit grocery store shelves. When mixed with water or vinegar, bar soap has properties that make it stick to the legs of flies and coat their wings with soap.
Are Fly Strips Permitted in Restaurants?
Restaurant environments that decompose organic waste, fruits, and unrefrigerated food attract flies. Operators of restaurants have little control over this reality. Additionally, warm, moist areas like those in hot kitchens attract more flies. However, employing fly strips in a restaurant is risky; thus, the answer is no. A suitable sanitation procedure can completely avoid this kind of application.
How Can Little Flies at a Restaurant Be Eliminated?
Trash and decaying food, particularly vegetables and fruits, should not be allowed to accumulate near storage bins, which should be cleaned out regularly. Rinse containers with hot water before washing and disinfecting to eliminate food or drink residue. Windows and doors should not be allowed to remain open at all times.
Fly infestations, which can spread diseases like tuberculosis, diarrhea, and fever, greatly affect how clean a restaurant is. Because of how their business works, restaurants must always contend with fly problems. Because of this, every restaurant owner needs to be ready to stop a few stray flies from becoming an infestation or fly problem.
Jeff Smith is a Restaurant Consultant with over 20 years of hospitality experience ranging from server to owner and general manager. He focuses on Restaurant POS technology as well as restaurant marketing. Check out our world famous restaurant resources page for a comprehensive offering of hand picked resources and tools to help your business. You can also check out some of our other restaurant business articles.