About Us

Hi, I’m Jack Bastide. I created this site to help people in the Restaurant Industry to be more successful.
As an entrepreneur and Restaurant consultant I talk to restaurant owners everyday.
One of the biggest complaints I hear from Restaurant Owners is about their Restaurant POS System. Some people say their Point of Sale is too expensive, Some some it doesn’t have enough features. and they ALL say the service is terrible.
Well, I found a Restaurant POS System that is reasonably priced with and amazing set of features and world class 24/ 7 USA-based support and you can see a demo here.

Listen , the restaurant business isn’t easy. I don’t have to tell you that.
But I want to change that.
I am always on the lookout for things that can make restaurant owners lives easier and more efficient.
for example …
Restaurant Industry Products and Services – Do you have a product or service that is helpful to restaurant owners, chefs, servers, general managers or any other restaurant employees? I want to know about it! Please hit me up on linked in or call me on 800-675-5810 Ext 200 (24 Hrs) and maybe I’ll feature you and your product on Restaurant Superstar!
Restaurant Business Guest Posts and Articles – Are you a good writer with experience in the Restaurant Industry? Can you write helpful Restaurant business articles? Would you like to be a contributor on Restaurant Superstar? Let’s Talk! or call me on 800-675-5810 Ext 200 (24 Hrs)
Restaurant Industry Professionals – Are you an experienced Restaurant Industry professional with a story to tell and great tips to share? I would love to talk to you and feature you on the site. Please get in touch! or call me on 800-675-5810 Ext 200 (24 Hrs)
Other Ideas? – If you have any other ideas on how we can work together Let’s Talk or call me on 800-675-5810 Ext 200 (24 Hrs) I’m open to all types of collaborations.
Jack Bastide – Founder RestaurantSuperstar.com