31 Restaurant Survey Questions to Help You.

Suppose you’re searching for ways to enhance your customer experience and boost your restaurant’s performance. In that case, you’ve landed exactly where you need to be. Our guide, “31 Restaurant Survey Questions,” answers your main query and delves into crucial areas essential for any thriving restaurant. We promise insights and tips you won’t want to take advantage of.

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Unlocking Customer Insights with Restaurant Survey Questions

31 Restaurant Survey Questions to Help You.
31 Restaurant Survey Questions to Help You.

In the competitive dining world, understanding your customers’ needs and preferences is not just beneficial—it’s essential for survival and success.

Gathering customer feedback through well-crafted survey questions can provide invaluable insights into your restaurant’s operations, from food quality and service to ambiance and overall satisfaction.

This feedback is a powerful tool for making informed decisions, tailoring your services to meet your customers’ expectations better, and ultimately enhancing their dining experience.

In this article, “31 Restaurant Survey Questions,” we meticulously curated a list of essential survey questions every restaurant owner should consider.

These questions are designed to uncover detailed and actionable data that can guide you in refining your menu, improving service, and ensuring your restaurant meets and exceeds customer expectations.

Whether you’re a new restaurateur aiming to make your mark or an experienced owner looking to maintain your edge, the insights from these survey questions can propel your business to new heights.

Let’s dive into these questions and explore how each can contribute to a more successful restaurant operation.

Overview of Restaurant Surveys

If you’re diving into the world of restaurant surveys, you’re on the right track. These little questionnaires are more than just a way to gather data; they’re a crucial tool that can significantly enhance how your restaurant functions day-to-day.

Why Conduct Restaurant Surveys?

  • Direct Feedback: From your customers’ mouths, you can see what they loved, what could be better, and what made their dining experience unique. This is the gold that helps you polish your service.
  • Spotting Trends: By regularly analyzing survey responses, you can spot emerging trends or issues before they become more significant problems.
  • Improving Retention: Showing your customers you value their input can increase their loyalty and the likelihood of returning.

What You Gain from Them

Think of every survey you send out as a conversation with your guests. Here’s what you stand to gain:

  • Actionable Insights: Each response can guide you on what to keep, tweak, or revamp, whether it’s your menu, service style, or ambiance.
  • Better Decision Making: With solid data, you can make informed decisions, not just intuitive.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Ultimately, making changes your customers want to see will lead to happier guests and better experiences at your table.

Let’s break down the questions you might want to include in your survey. These questions should be easy to understand, straightforward, and designed to get the most helpful answers from your customers. Here’s a quick list to help you cover all bases:

  1. Demographic Questions: Age, dining party size, visit frequency—knowing your audience helps tailor your marketing and service.
  2. Experience Questions: Find out what’s hitting the mark and what’s missing from the food to the mood.
  3. Satisfaction Ratings: Use scales (1-10) to gauge how well different aspects of your restaurant are received.
  4. Open-Ended Questions: Sometimes, the best insights come from letting customers speak their minds freely.

And there you have it! Rolling out a survey with these questions can be a game changer. Think of it as gathering a bunch of mini-reviews aimed at helping you tweak your restaurant to serve better those who walk through your doors.

So, ready to draft your own “31 Restaurant Survey Questions? Let’s get to it and ensure your eatery meets and exceeds expectations!

Customer Discovery Survey Questions

Let’s jump into the nitty-gritty of understanding who your customers are. The better you know them, the better you can serve exactly what they’re craving—both on and off the plate. Here are the first seven essential questions to include in your restaurant survey to get to know your diners:

1 – What age group do you belong to?

  • Why it’s essential: Age can influence dining preferences and spending habits. Knowing the age range of your most frequent diners can help you tailor your marketing and menu more effectively.

2 – How did you discover our restaurant?

  • Examples include Social media, word of mouth, passing by, online reviews, etc.
  • Why it’s important: This helps you understand which of your marketing efforts are working best so you know where to invest more or tweak your strategies.

3 – How often do you dine with us?

  • Choices like: This is my first visit, monthly, weekly, more than once a week.
  • Why it’s essential: Identifying if your respondents are regulars or first-timers can help you assess customer loyalty and repeat business.

4 – Did you use any of our discounts or special offers?

  • Follow-up: If yes, which one(s)?
  • Why it’s essential: This question can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your promotions and understand what attracts customers to dine at your place.

5 – What size is your typical dining party?

  • Why it’s essential: Knowing whether you’re serving solo diners, couples, families, or large groups most often can influence menu planning and restaurant layout.

6 – What was the occasion for your visit?

  • Examples: Casual dining, birthdays, business meetings, etc.
  • Why it’s essential: This tells you what roles your restaurant plays in your customers’ lives and can guide you in creating special offers or themed nights.

7 – What was your first impression upon entering the restaurant?

  • Why it’s important: First impressions can be make or break. This feedback is crucial for ensuring your restaurant appeals to guests immediately.

By kicking off your survey with these discovery questions, you’re setting the stage to gather rich, actionable insights that can significantly influence how you manage your restaurant.

Each answer will help paint a clearer picture of your customers and what they truly desire.

Remember, every piece of feedback is a stepping stone to enhanced customer satisfaction and, ultimately, a more successful restaurant.

So, let’s use these “31 Restaurant Survey Questions” to start the conversation and keep them coming back for more!

Food Quality Survey Questions

Now, let’s bite into the juicy part of your survey: the food quality. After all, folks mainly come to your place to enjoy a meal, right? Here are some key questions that will help you get detailed feedback on what’s on the plate and what needs tweaking.

8 – How would you rate the quality of our food?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)
  • Why it’s essential: This straightforward question gets straight to the point about how your customers perceive the quality of your dishes.

9 – What did you like best about our menu?

  • Why it’s essential: This open-ended question lets customers highlight what stands out in your menu—a specific dish, the variety, or even dietary options. It’s great for identifying your strengths.

10 – Did you feel that the restaurant accommodated your dietary restrictions?

  • Options: Yes, No, Not Applicable
  • Follow-up: If no, what could we improve?
  • Why it’s important: In today’s dining scene, accommodating dietary restrictions is key to inclusivity and can set your restaurant apart.

11 – In your experience, is our menu varied enough to satisfy every preference?

  • Why it’s important: This question helps you gauge if your menu has something for everyone or if there are gaps you need to fill.

12 – How would you rate the presentation of our dishes?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)
  • Why it’s important: They say we eat with our eyes first. Understanding how your dishes look to your customers can influence their overall dining experience.

13 – Did any menu items need to meet your expectations?

  • Why it’s important: This can be a more direct way to identify specific dishes needing improvement or modification.

14 – Would you recommend any of our dishes to a friend? Why or why not?

  • Why it’s important: This question not only gauges the likability of your dishes but also serves as a referral gauge. If people are willing to recommend your food, you’re on the right track.

Collecting responses to these questions will give you a well-rounded view of how your food is perceived and enjoyed (or not). Each response allows you to refine your offerings and ensure every plate from your kitchen can win a smile. 

Service Quality Survey Questions

Let’s shift our focus to another crucial aspect of your restaurant’s success—the quality of service. After all, even the best food can be overshadowed by subpar service. Here are some thoughtfully crafted questions to help you evaluate your team’s performance and ensure your guests leave with a smile.

15 – How would you rate the friendliness of our staff?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Not friendly at all) to 5 (Very friendly)
  • Why it’s important: Friendly service can turn a good dining experience into a great one. This question helps you understand if your staff’s demeanor is as warm as the tasty food.

16 – Was our staff knowledgeable about the menu?

  • Options: Yes, No
  • Follow-up: If no, what areas need improvement?
  • Why it’s important: A knowledgeable staff can enhance the dining experience by helping guests make informed choices and answering any questions they might have about your offerings.

17 – How would you rate the efficiency of our service?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Very slow) to 5 (Very efficient)
  • Why it’s important: Timely service is key in a restaurant. This question helps you identify if any delays could frustrate your guests.

18 – Did our staff check back with you after serving your meal?

  • Options: Yes, No
  • Why it’s crucial: Check-backs are essential for addressing any immediate issues guests might have with their meals and showing that you care about their experience.

19 – How responsive was our staff to your needs and requests?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Not responsive) to 5 (Very responsive)
  • Why it’s important: Responsiveness is a cornerstone of exemplary service; showing guests satisfaction is a top priority.

20 – How would you rate the overall atmosphere created by our staff?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)
  • Why it’s important: The atmosphere staff create can set the tone for the dining experience. This question assesses the vibe that your team is contributing to.

21 – Did our staff help make your visit memorable?

  • Options: Yes, No
  • Why it’s important: This question helps you gauge whether your staff are not just serving food but also creating an experience that guests will remember and want to return to.

Gathering insights on these aspects will help you pinpoint what’s working and what needs more attention. Remember, each answer is a stepping stone towards perfecting the guest experience. 

Online Ordering and Delivery Survey Questions

Let’s chat about an aspect of your restaurant that’s become more crucial than ever: the online ordering and delivery experience. With more diners opting for the comfort of their homes over the ambiance of a restaurant, ensuring your online service is top-notch is critical.

Here are some crucial questions to help you determine how well your restaurant performs digitally.

22 – Which platform did you use to place your order?

  • Options: Our website, mobile app, and third-party delivery service (like Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc.)
  • Why it’s important: Knowing where your orders are coming from can help you optimize the best platforms for your customers and your business.

23 – How easy was finding what you wanted on our menu online?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Very difficult) to 5 (Very easy)
  • Why it’s important: Ease of use can make or break the online ordering experience. This question helps you understand if your digital menu needs to be more user-friendly.

24 – How satisfied were you with the online ordering process?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Not satisfied) to 5 (Very satisfied)
  • Why it’s important: This gives you direct feedback on the efficiency and user experience of your ordering system, highlighting areas for improvement.

25 – Was your order accurate and complete when it arrived?

  • Options: Yes, No
  • Follow-up if no: What was missing or incorrect?
  • Why it’s important: Accuracy is critical in online orders. Mistakes can deter customers from ordering again, so it’s vital to identify and rectify common errors.

26 – How would you rate the quality of the food upon delivery?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)
  • Why it’s important: Food that travels well is just as important as dining in. This question helps ensure your food quality remains high, even on the go.

Diving into the answers to these questions will help you streamline your online ordering process and ensure that your restaurant provides stellar service, whether your customers are dining in or enjoying their meal at home. 

General Experience Survey Questions

Let’s wrap up our deep dive into crafting the perfect restaurant survey with some general experience questions. These are your catch-all queries that cover your customers’ overall vibe and satisfaction level. They’re crucial for capturing the essence of what it’s like to dine at your establishment. Let’s make every part of the guest experience shine.

27 – How would you rate the cleanliness of our restaurant?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Not clean) to 5 (Spotless)
  • Why it’s important: A clean environment is fundamental to a pleasant dining experience and crucial for health standards, especially today.

28 – How did you find the ambiance of our restaurant?

  • Rating Scale: 1 (Unpleasant) to 5 (Charming)
  • Why it’s important: The atmosphere can set the mood for a meal and influence how much guests enjoy their overall experience. It’s about ensuring the setting matches the service and food quality.

29 – How likely will you recommend our restaurant to friends and family?

  • Rating Scale: 0 (Not likely) to 10 (Highly likely)
  • Why it’s important: This is an excellent indicator of overall satisfaction and a key metric for understanding your restaurant’s potential growth through word-of-mouth.

30 – How likely are you to return to our restaurant?

  • Rating Scale: 0 (Not likely) to 10 (Very likely)
  • Why it’s important: Repeat business is the backbone of the restaurant industry. This question helps you gauge customer loyalty and pinpoint areas that might be preventing repeat visits.

31 – What could we do to improve your next visit?

  • Why it’s important: Open-ended and incredibly valuable, this question invites honest, constructive feedback and suggestions that might not be covered by other survey questions.

Integrating these general experience questions into your survey gives you a holistic view of how your restaurant is perceived and what it feels like to dine with you. These insights are gold for any restaurateur looking to create a memorable and enjoyable dining experience.


There you have it—your comprehensive guide to crafting a restaurant survey that digs into your customers’ thoughts and feelings about their experiences with you. From discovering who your diners are to understanding every nuance of their knowledge, whether it’s the food, service, or the digital interaction with your brand, these “31 Restaurant Survey Questions” are “designed to give you a clear roadmap for enhancement and success.

Implementing these surveys effectively means listening to your customers and inviting them to participate in your growth and improvement journey. Each response is a nugget of gold, providing the insights necessary to refine your operations, amplify customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your bottom line.

So, don’t Start integrating these insightful questions into your feedback strategy today. Tailor them to fit your unique needs, and watch as the data you collect transforms your service and the entire customer experience. With each survey completed, you’re approaching the pinnacle of dining excellence. Your commitment to understanding and adapting to your customers’ needs will set your restaurant apart in the competitive culinary landscape.

Remember, every piece of feedback is an opportunity. Embrace, learn from, and use it to make your restaurant the best—cheers to your success and creating experiences that keep customers returning for more.

Jeff Smith is a Restaurant Consultant with over 20 years of hospitality experience ranging from server to owner and general manager.  He focuses on Restaurant POS technology as well as restaurant marketing.  Check out our world-famous restaurant resources page for a comprehensive offering of hand-picked resources and tools to help your business.  You can also check out some of our other restaurant business articles. 

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